how to setup ssiptv nicetv m3u for smart tv(LG TV/Samsung TV) system


1. search "ss iptv" at LG smart tv store

if your smart tv is samsung, please install the app with usb stick, read here


2.go to General subsection of the app's settings and pres Get code button. Non-permanent code can be used only 24 hours (or till new code is generated)


3.Enter received code here and press Add Device button


4. go to "External Playlists", and click "Add ITEM


5. type any name at "Displayed Name", example "NiceTV", it will be used at your ssiptv menu later

Type M3U full link to "Source" which we have sent to your message or email for your order. if you have no m3u yet, you can order from here

Then click "OK".


6. Click "SAVE"


7. go to your ssiptv menu at smart tv, do refresh icon as follow picture, then it will load new m3u to your ssiptv


8. then you will find the new added item "NiceTV"


9. then go into "NiceTV" ,enjoy it.